Welcome to My Site,
It is my sincere hope that this website will be a source to obtain a special poem that describes and honors your loved one who has passed.
In the past few years, I have experienced the personal challenge of losing several loved ones. Poetry has always been an important avenue for me to express my feelings, I enjoy both reading it and creating it. As I passed through the grieving process myself, I was a little disappointed at the lack of personalized memorial poetry that I could locate. Although the more philosophical poems about death were plentiful, they lacked the special attention that I wanted to honor my loved ones. As a result, I began writing poems that reflected the character, personality (and yes...sometimes even the humor) of my loved ones.
What began as a process of working through my own grief has now developed into this website. I wanted to give people a source to obtain unique, yet affordable, poetry that could be used for a memorial or funeral service that would provide comfort during a time of loss. On this site you will find a variety of personalized, original poems that reflect a variety of life circumstances and personality types. I hope you will find a poem on this site that will celebrate the unique personality and the precious memory of your loved one.
Wishing you peace and healing,
Jilchristy Dee